Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Why I'm a Happy Little Camper

I slightly altered the name of my blog. It is currently: Awake, Love, Sing! Why? Oh, I'll tell ya why.

Sometimes I need to remind myself to wake up every morning. But most of the time, I need to remind myself to be fully awake during class and/or throughout my ever-tiring days.
Let's be serious, most of my blog discusses my love life or just love in general. I figured it was about time to add love into the title because it is such an important part of my life. Worry not, we'll retouch this subject shortly.
I am constantly singing. Whether I make sound with my throat or if the music just plays on in my heart, it will always be one of the biggest parts of me. How can I keep from Singing?

So back to the love portion. I found me a new man to lavish my pretended affections upon. Is he attractive? Definitely. Can he sing? Ahhhhh yeah. Is he like one of the most amazing people ever? Heck YES! Am I a little obsessed? Probably. Is it a little unhealthy? Probably more so. Do I care? OF COURSE NOT! :DDDDDDDDDD I'm a happy little camper alright :)

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